Shamanism refers to a class of traditional beliefs and practices similar to animism that ensure the ability to diagnose and cure the suffering of the human being, and in some societies, the ability to cause it.

Shamanic practitioners call on helping spirits in those other realities to heal people here by restoring their spiritual power. … Shamans can call on spirits to help restore portions of the soul. Mokelke says shamanic healing is part of a holistic system that works with other modalities, such as Western medicine.

In this sense, shamanism is a relationship-based practice of making changes in invisible realms to impact healing, of individuals or communities, in the realm of ordinary reality. For some peoples, such shamanic practice is part of their dominant culture, for others it is directly contradictory.

Here at our flower of life Ayahuasca healing retreat center we honor our ancestors healers.
Conventional medicine was not part of everyday life. There was only healing with the medicinal plants we use now in our therapies and ceremonies.
We also honor the elements of nature, especially the connection of Mother Earth or Pachamama with offerings through ancestral rituals.

If you are interested in participating in an authentic Ayahuasca shamanic journey in the Amazon jungle here at Flower of life Ayahuasca healing retreat center.

We would be delighted to welcome you! To suit the desires of our guests here at Flower of life. We work with both male and female authentic shipibo maestros healers. For more information on our upcoming retreats or any questions you may have. Please contact us at