5 Day Retreat Schedule


This is our sample retreat schedule so you can better get an idea of the daily activities.

Day 1

You will be picked up from the airport in Iquitos to Flower of life Peru Ayahuasca Healing Center.
We will provide you with transportation from Iquitos to Nauta Port (2 hours by car), then we will take a boat from Nauta Port to the lodge (45 minutes in the Marañon River).
Once we arrive at the center , you will have your orientation and lunch where we will all introduce ourselves and explain the healing journey you are about to undertake over the next days as well as to answer any questions you may have. You will have time to acclimate and relax before dinner, as well as take a guided walk to familiarize yourself with the grounds and location of the sacred maloca.

Day 2

Before breakfast you will have a one-time vomitivo with lemongrass to help cleanse the body, physically and energetically, to prepare for the ceremony. In the afternoon you will have your consultation with the healers and your facilitators.
At 4:00 p.m. you will have your first steam bath with medicinal plants. By inhaling the medicinal properties of the plants, this will promote a feeling of relaxation and cleansing to prepare you for your first ayahuasca ceremony.
Then you will have your first floral bath with ruda and other Amazonian medicinal plants. This form of aromatherapy is a type of holistic healing treatment to promote health and well-being. It enhances the health of the mind, body, and spirit.
The rest of the afternoon will be for personal reflection and relaxation to prepare for your first ceremony at 7:00 p.m. Ayahuasca Ceremony 1.

Day 3

Daily plant remedies will begin after breakfast if necessary prescribed by the healers. Along with normal activities, there will be time for relaxation and self-reflection as well. At 4:00 pm you will have your second steam bath follow by a aromatherapy floral bath . All ayahuasca ceremonies will take place at 7:00 p.m. Ayahuasca Ceremony 2.

Day 4

We will start this day at 8:00 a.m. with a ceremony of San Pedro Cactus Plant. During this time, we will go on a jungle walk and explore the beauty of nature.
We will have lunch after the San Pedro Cactus ceremony.
The rest of the day can be used as a relaxation time to self-reflect or if you want to do optional activities such as going on a boat tour along the Maranon river for fishing, swims or watching wild pink dolphins, birth watching, and go in search of other wildlife the beautiful amazon has to offer. San Pedro Ceremony.

Day 5

Breakfast will be served at 8:00 am and then we will leave on the boat at 9 a.m. to return to Iquitos.

Best Ayahuasca Retreat in Peru

Contact Us

Call +51 944 668 637

  Office Calle Callao 174 Iquitos, Peru