Ayahuasca ceremony in Peru.
Here reasons You Should try it:
Emotional Healing: Ayahuasca is a medicine that heals the mind and body. When you drink ayahuasca, your past emotions will come up. Your hidden traumatic emotions will surface, and you get to face it. You’ll bravely deal with it head on, and resolve it.
Maybe you’re thinking about it, or you’ve done it before and your friends are asking you about it. Maybe you’re a seasoned student of the Mother Ayahuasca and you’re looking back on who you were the first time you drank of her.
I am not a shaman, a medical expert, or someone who can tell you about physical contraindications to the medicines. But, as a human being on the path toward merging the physical and spirit worlds, I can share the following.
You are ready to drink ayahuasca when: You are CALLED to it by an intuitive, divine voice inside of you that needs no words or tedious mental human explanations that this article could possibly offer you. If this is you, skip the rest of this article and go out and drink aya.
You have the mental and emotional capacity to run straight towards fear and pain. You are eager to deconstruct their potential for power within you.
You may flinch upon contact, but you never turn away completely from what hurts you. Instead you ask yourself what unhealed past trauma is causing you to react in painful anticipation of its repetition.
You welcome her invitations to let go of those old cellular memories. You know that you have been Chosen to transmute the burdens of the collective consciousness. Not everyone is able or willing to drink ayahuasca at this time.
You are drinking their healing on their behalf. All the ways your receive from the Mother Ayahuasca will trickle outward to benefit these others. You know that you are drinking ayahuasca on behalf of everyone from your closest loved ones down to your acquaintances and work colleagues. Nobody is left out. Everyone is invited to share in your celebration, no matter what 3D human boundaries otherwise separate you. When the journey is too painful to do for yourself, you soldier onward for these others. You understand that you carry not only the wounds of your current incarnation, but those of your past incarnations and your lineage.
Consulting with the Mother Ayahuasca opens a portal into the consciousness of your ancestors who lived, suffered, and learned so that you could also.
You are releasing not only your own burdens, but the ones they handed to you when they passed. You know that the physical ailments that you may suffer from represent energetic imbalances. When you understand the energetic imbalances that they represent, the ailments gradually or quickly fall away.
If it is gradual, it is because you’ve still got stuff to learn from them. You can perceive limitlessly on the nature of imbalances. You know many to be subconscious. They might be things like how you silence yourself.
How you don’t express yourself in the ways you were born to. These likely have to do with separate earthly masculine and feminine constructs. You possess the emotional ruggedness to turn water into wine, and rocks into gold. You aspire to see the beauty in the mundane, the order in the chaos. You are unflappable in your knowingness that everything is the opposite of what it appears. You know that the ability to translate between how something appears and what it actually is, is to know the language of the Divine.
You work on your fluency daily. You are aware that linear time is an illusion. That eternity exists in a second, and a second can last for eternity. You welcome the depression, lostness and feelings of isolation that may immediately follow your return to 3D earthly life.
You understand them to be a natural part of the transition. They’re merely a reflection of ceremonial abundance. You know that acceptance of them will hasten their shift. No matter how many ayahuasca ceremonies you partake in, you understand that the true ceremony begins when you are applying what you received from ayahuasca to your responses to everyday life. You accept the cyclical ebb and flow of two steps backward for every three steps forward. You value the two steps backward equally as all forward motion because wisdom comes from deep awareness of their contrast.
You welcome diversity in all your ayahuasca experiences: Some ceremonies will be so intense as to bring you to your knees. Some will be so subtle as to allude your observation. All are exactly what you need to grow in the moment. You understand that ayahuasca is not going to heal you of your troubles. She is going to give you the tools you need to heal yourself at the speed, and in the manner that you are fit to handle at the time. You are eager to listen, learn, and trust in Her. You know that she’ll give you the gifts, but she won’t unwrap them for you. You’re truly eager to do the work yourself.
You understand yourself to be an open channel. You know
If you are interested in participating in an authentic Ayahuasca shamanic journey in the Amazon jungle here at Flower of life Ayahuasca Peru healing retreat center
We would be delighted to welcome you! To suit the desires of our guests here at Flower of life Ayahuasca healing center.We work with both male and female authentic shipibo maestros healers.
For more information on our upcoming retreats or any questions you may have. Please contact us at