Ayahuasca healing retreat center Peru
Connecting Deeper with my Higher Self
Connecting deeper to that part of me that’s connected with God—my soul, or higher self, I got that I was my higher self, and experiencing the perspective of my higher self. And then something important began to dawn on me: This “garden of Eden“ state that we’re in when we’re experiencing the Ayahuasca medicine, that higher state of consciousness, it is our soul’s natural, real state. It’s our original state, the time when connection with God is all we ever knew. (Yes, I actually saw and felt the garden of Eden all around me on that sunny day in August, as did many others who participated in the ceremony with me.)
However, when we incarnate on planet Earth and take on our earthly bodies, we leave that “garden of Eden” state and drop down in consciousness. We all do this, so that we’re able to fully participate in the purpose and intention that is planet Earth’s: the fastest spiritual growth and evolution possible, through experiencing many challenges and hardships. As the brave, loving souls we were, our original plan was to lose ourselves, to lose our way, and then, ultimately, to find ourselves again. It’s how we knew we’d become the masters of our lives. (As the master Jesus had done, 2000 years ago.)
Souls don’t grow and evolve quickly in the garden of Eden. Souls grow when they experience hardship and challenges and rise up from them. But now, with the spiritual awakening that’s occurring all over the planet, including access to more and more amazing solutions for many of our problems, it’s time we bring some of that garden of Eden back to this reality. Yes, we had left the garden of Eden along with God, but now it’s time to reconnect to that higher consciousness.
I picked up my notebook again and wrote three simple words: “I forgot this!” Then I scrawled in big letters on the next page: “I forgot!” and laughed to myself. I felt such delight and bliss that words cannot describe.
Another insight that came to me during the Ayahuasca ceremony is this: We will never have to go through this again. And we will never have to go through the kinds of hardships and challenges we’ve been going through since we began this Earth experience many millennia ago. But we have an obligation, those of us who now can see, to bring some of that garden of Eden back to this reality. We must bring it to others; we must bring heaven back to Earth. Our job is to bring as much of that heaven and that higher consciousness down to this reality as is possible. Because this is how we will transform ourselves and the world, as well as become the masters of our lives.
So how do you bring heaven to Earth? Quite simply, by you bringing more of your soul’s expression into the world. By cultivating and strengthening the relationship you have with your higher self—your direct connection with God. By your heart and soul expressing itself more fully in the world.
And how do you strengthen the relationship with your higher self? After an Ayahuasca ceremony, how do you accelerate your growth and expansion? You pay attention to your heart and soul and you respond to the promptings of your soul. The following are the five steps that I’ve outlined over years of connecting, responding to my soul’s higher guidance, and observing what happened as a result.
Five Steps for Strengthening Your Relationship with Your Higher Self
Ask your higher self to help you reconnect
Your higher self will respond to your intention and willingness to reconnect. Your higher self also knows what works best for you and how to get your attention. So … ask your higher self to help you connect.
Meditate and pay attention to your sacred space
Next, pay attention to your “sacred space.” Your sacred space is your center, the area in the center of your body near your heart, “soul seed,” and solar plexus. Then you do two things: you meditate with your attention on this area, asking for guidance, and you “check in” to this area several times a day. (Take a few seconds, several times a day, and place your attention on this area. Is your heart telling you something? What are you feeling?)
Follow through on your inner guidance promptly and consistently
Make the commitment and build up the courage to follow through with your inner guidance promptly and consistently. In the beginning, your higher self may have you take little steps that will help build your trust. For example, your intuition might tell you to call an old friend, write down an insight, or do something that might not be typical for you. Follow through with your inner guidance as soon as possible and notice what happens as a result. And when something favorable happens to you because you followed through, your trust in your inner guidance, your ability to “read” it, and in your connection with your higher self will grow.
Ask your higher self for clear guidance when you feel stuck
What do you do when you need guidance but don’t trust yourself to interpret it correctly because you’re feeling too anxious or stressed? Try to relax and ask your higher self to send you guidance so clear it can’t be misinterpreted.
I’ve received such “signs from the universe” on numerous occasions. And these signs came rather quickly after I asked for them, too. (At that point, I’d already been gaining trust in my higher self and was pretty confident that I’d follow through with the guidance once it was clear to me.)
Be willing to let go of old beliefs and societal / mental conditionings
Sometimes, old beliefs and mental conditionings (about yourself, about others, and about the world) will get in the way of your progress and you’ll need to let go of them. (Note: This is especially true for the beliefs you have about yourself, and what you think you’re capable of!)
The good news is that as you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, your new experiences will simply override those false beliefs and mental conditionings. In the meantime, your greater trust in your inner guidance, the new insights and wisdom you’ll receive, and your new habits, capacities, and confidence will help you gently change your mindset. After all, when’s the last time you changed your belief about something that’s real dear to you just because someone told you to do so?
The five steps above will help you cultivate a deeper, stronger and clearer relationship with your higher self … as well as bring more and more of your soul’s expression into the world. It’s also how you’ll know firsthand that you’re having a direct experience with the divine.
If you feel comfortable and are ready to practice the five steps above, I urge you to begin today. I can say without a doubt that many blessings are in store for you.
However, perhaps you feel you’re not quite sure about what to do next. Maybe you’d like to have the full details about each of the five steps, including simple, real-life examples that you can relate to? Maybe you’d like to know how to distinguish your gut instincts (which are influenced by your past experiences, your fears, and societal conditionings) from your higher self’s guidance? In this case, I suggest you get a copy of the book, The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light. The steps detailed in this book will help you find your Self again and become the master of your life.
Participating in an Ayahuasca ceremony can help you find yourself, and can help you see with greater clarity the things you might have been avoiding, and can bring feelings of bliss. However, after Ayahuasca … what will you do to accelerate your growth and expansion? Isn’t it time to have access to all your resources, to your deepest wisdom, and to become the master of your life? Isn’t it time to bring heaven to your everyday reality?
If you are interested in participating in an authentic Ayahuasca shamanic journey in the Amazon jungle here at Flower of life Ayahuasca Peru healing retreat center
We would be delighted to welcome you! To suit the desires of our guests here at Flower of life Ayahuasca healing center.We work with both male and female authentic shipibo maestros healers.
For more information on our upcoming retreats or any questions you may have. Please contact us at