From ancient times the human being has been looking for a cure and the need to try different alternatives to feel better and live a full life. The most difficult path a human being can take is to leave the material world, control their egos and make their spirit flourish. This internal struggle can be carried out by controlling the individuals impulses that constitute the physical and mental body.

Internal impulses sometimes develop into addictions, routines, attachments and above all ignorance with a large accumulation of dense and negative energy.

How does ayahuasca benefit us?

Ayahuasca contains alkaloid components and substances like Banisteriopsis Saapi which is highly hallucinogen when used in conjunction with the Chacruna, contributing in its preparation of the molecule Dimethyltryptamine also known as DMT.

Indians of the Amazon consider this ritual as a spiritual journey to pure consciousness. When consumed, it will have the effects of antidepressants that can help release old beliefs, childhood traumas, pains, sufferings and fears while at the same time developing our psychic faculties as well as our creative side.

by Nancy Rosadio

If you are interested in participating in an authentic Ayahuasca experience in Peru, here at Flower of Life – Ayahuasca Retreat Center, we would be delighted to welcome you! To suit the desires of all of our guests here at Flower of Life, we work with both male and female authentic, expert Shipibo healers. For more information on our upcoming retreats or any questions you may have, please contact us at [email protected]