It seems that the Amazon Plant Medicines are becoming widely popular amongst Silicon Valley CEO’s searching for the next greatest innovation, to celebrities fighting addiction and those that need a boost in their life.

*Detox – internal organ detoxification with special foods and medicines to cleanse and restore organ function. Cleansing of toxins, medications, environmental poisons, emotions, energies that don’t serve us.

*Restore – Helps restore physicality to homeostasis and optimal function. Each person differs and may take one person more time with the medicines and Shamans depending on current physical, emotional, mental and spiritual condition.

*Illuminate – Working in ceremony with the Shamans and the Grandmother of all Medicines, Ayahuasca, provides a clear picture of the emotional wounds that affect our emotions, our thinking and behavior patterns, our divine connection, our physical health, our relationships and our soul purpose.

*Activate – For many, after experiencing the medicine, Ayahuasca an inspirational activation occurs for their lives. Soul purpose, life missions, deeper sense of being of service to others, feeling spiritually connected to humanity and more can happen.

*Trauma Healing – Ayahuasca,The medicine works on every part of your being: emotional, energetic, mental, physical and spiritual. We all suffer with stuck trauma from our past and even current life situations. Healing these places that have wounded us causes us to feel lighter, healthier, vibrant and more joyful.

*Self-Love – This is such a sweet experience many have with Ayahuasca. A deeper sense of self-love and connection to the divine within is a common experience. A sense of liberation of worthlessness, undeserving beliefs, self-sabotage are all removed and replaced with a union with the inner YOU.

*Divine Love – Many experience spiritual lessons, connections and unity to the Divine through the Ayahuasca experience. These are profound and beautiful interactions and can heal you in an instant! Many suffer with spiritual maladies from all sorts of places: generational lineage, karmic ties, religious abuse, wrong teachings and more. To eradicate those energies and allow for the True Divine Love to flow to and through you is the most majestic experience one can have!

Every person’s experience with Shamanism and Ayahuasca and other plant medicines from the Amazon are unique to the individual and what they need. The intelligence that is associated with this healing modality is rare, special and powerful.

My personal journey with the medicine was a matter of suffering in the body, overcoming illness and wanting to be pain free. What I’ve received is so much more than help with my physical body. Emotional healing, mind clearing and a deeper spiritual connection have all occurred simultaneously! They say, when you sit with Ayahuasca for one night, it’s the equivalent of 20 years of work with a physician, 20 years of spiritual counsel and 20 years of psychological counseling all in a few short hours. I can attest to it being true!

I’d love to introduce you to the medicine, Shamanism and this special place carved out in the Amazon jungle, Flower of Life healing retreat center in Peru.

You can DM me for more information!!

Ayahuasca Peru
Ayahuasca center
Flower of life Peru healing center
Ayahuasca retreat
School of shamanism Onan Yatishovo

If you feel this called join us for an transformational plant medicine retreat program at Flower of Life Healing center in Peru .

More details and information

WhatsApp +1 (786) 393-0799