It is March 8th, commemorating International Women’s Day. We believe that women should be
celebrated every single day! One of the many areas we work with at Flower of Life through our
plant medicines, Ayahuasca brew, facilitation and counsel, is for everyone to heal and open to
receive deeper self-love and appreciation for themselves.
Oftentimes, this level of self-love eludes many due to past traumas, old wounds, relationship
patterns, and disconnection from the heart and spirit. One of the beautiful Ayahuasca effects
many guests have through working with plant medicines in the Peruvian Amazon, is the
reconnection to their own hearts and spirit. Even if one attends the Ayahuasca Retreats for
physical ailments, the other aspects of the self also experiences deep transformational healing.
I know I have experienced this several times in Ayahuasca ceremonies over the years. Coming
from the United States, I was new to the medicine journey and had never traveled to the
Peruvian Amazon prior to my first Ayahuasca Ceremonies. I began my journey to heal from
Multiple Autoimmune Disorder Syndrome, having been diagnosed with several soul sucking
disease processes. Exhausting allopathic treatments and not healing from these illnesses, I
knew I had to go all in with the Ayahuasca experience.
The DMT portion of the Ayahuasca brew causes my journey to be quite visionary. I have had
many nights with the medicine where I was with the Spirit and learning esoteric truths, gaining
spiritual knowledge and healing simultaneously. It is a tremendous side effect to the medicine
when healing the body, to also experience emotional, mental and spiritual transformation, as
Several evenings, while consuming Ayahuasca, I was instantly transported into feeling
tremendous levels of Divine Love and Self-Love. I had an overwhelming sense of appreciating
myself like never before. I could see and feel for myself in such a Divine manner, I could never
be the same afterward. My heart just swelled from this level of self-love and appreciation. Tears
streamed down my face from love pouring through me, for me. What an unexpected gift from
this magical place with this powerful healing plant medicine.
The good news is, these feelings have stayed with me. This level of self-love has upleveled my
vibration, happiness, purpose and feelings of joy that are not only embedded in my heart, but
extend outward into the world. Can you imagine if everyone had this kind of love radiating from
their own hearts? What a different world we would live in.
As I continue on this path at Flower of Life, I look forward to deeper self-love, connection at the
heart for the Divine, myself and others, and the continued, profound transformations I will
Even more reason, if you’ve been on the fence about Ayahuasca ceremonies, to go all in. To
take that step toward your own personal transformation. I encourage you to come to the
Peruvian Amazon to experience these long term healings and transformations for you!

Ayahuasca Peru
Ayahuasca healing center Peru
Flower of life Peru

If you feel this called join us for an transformational plant medicine retreat program at Flower of Life Healing center in Peru .

More details and information

WhatsApp +1 (786) 393-0799