Ayahuasca – The cure for addiction?

Ayahuasca treatment is growing in popularity. So much so, that ayahuasca retreats are becoming more commonplace in countries native to the practice.

Very little is known about ayahuasca amongst the general population. It is only those that go in search of a ‘spiritual awakening’ or who are in desperate need of healing who may have come across information on this plant based drug.

Ayahuasca contains the controlled substance DMT. It is a potent psychedelic brew, often referred to as a ‘spiritual tea’.

Ayahuasca is not a mainstream drug and is generally only available in countries where the ayahuasca brew ingredients naturally

So, What does ayahuasca treatment involve? Could ayahuasca cure addiction? What are the effects of ayahuasca and the risks?
A lot of information try their best to educate those who reached on all things addiction related. There are evidence based on information that allows our readers to make their own informed decisions.

Here we examine the possible benefits and risks of ayahuasca treatment.

What is ayahuasca and where does it come from?

Ayahuasca is the name for a brew or ‘tea’ that is made from the stalks of the Banisteriopsis Caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria Viridis shrub. Both of these plants traditionally grow in the Amazon rainforest and are native to South America.

Ayahuasca ingredients are only naturally sourced in countries covered by the Amazon basin. These countries, which include Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Venezuela, have used the properties of ayahuasca for centuries in treating both the spiritual and physical ailments within ancient tribes.

Ayahuasca is an extremely potent psychedelic brew that brings about strong auditory and visual hallucinations. It is traditionally used only during ayahuasca ceremonies and is said to enable healing of past trauma.

The effects of Ayahuasca
During an Ayahuasca ceremony the potent concoction Is consumed as a tea. The onset of ayahuasca’s effects can be felt generally within 20 minutes to an hour after consumption.

How long ayahuasca’s effects last is dependent on the dose and strength of the tea or brew, usually they last for between 2 to 6 hours.

Initially, when the effects of ayahuasca start the individual who has consumed the brew may violently vomit. Diarrhoea is also a common effect of ayahuasca and is seen as part of the ceremony’s cleansing ritual; purging the body of all toxins.

The consumption of ayahuasca tea often brings about powerful and terrifying hallucinations (seeing, hearing and believing in things that are not there or not real)

Ayahuasca’s effects could include:
Panic attacks
Powerful auditory and visual effects
Increased heart rate
Altered sense of touch, taste, sight, sound and smell
Increased focus
Feelings of enlightenment
Loss of mental stability
Feelings of terror is an subs conscious journey on the mind
Sweating and increased body
Sense of self love

Ayahuasca can also cause flashbacks of events that took place whilst under the drugs influence for weeks and months after.

Can Ayahuasca cure addiction?

There is no 100 percent known cure for addiction despite scientists researching for many years.

Addiction is medically recognised as a chronic and progressive relapsing brain disease in the DSM-5 manual, for which there is no known cure (DSM-5 – Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of mental disorders by the American Psychiatric Association)

Whilst addiction cannot be cured (as in permanently reversed) it can be successfully arrested through detox and effectively treated through rehabilitation. From there an individual suffering from addiction can learn how to manage their symptoms and maintain recovery.

Ayahuasca tends to appeal to those that have perhaps tried more mainstream methods of addiction treatment and relapsed. Stories of cured trauma and resetting of the brain, all within hours, would appeal to most who suffer. That being said, undergoing ayahuasca treatment is a step into the unknown and not without risk.

Visionary drugs such as ayahuasca tend to be extremely unpredictable in how they affect one person to another. There is no way of telling how you as an individual will react to ayahuasca treatment.

As far as transforming a person’s mindset and perspective go, there is some evidence to support this could actually happen.

Studies conducted by scientists on biochemically obtained brain cells have found that the active ingredients in Ayahuasca include DMT (a controlled substance) and B-carbolines.

In some of these scientific studies, both of these drugs have exhibited brain cell restorative qualities and neuroprotective effects, including new brain cell growth, leading to remapping of the brain.
This could explain why some that undergo ayahuasca treatment claim to have been healed from the past. However, the risks of ayahuasca need to be carefully weighed up against any potential benefits.

Ayahuasca is not clinically recommended as a treatment for addiction or for any other mental health illness.

We can only assume this is because of its dangerous unpredictability and inability to heal every aspect of the sufferer.

What happens during an ayahuasca ceremony?
Ayahuasca ceremonies have been around for centuries and are traditionally led by a spiritual healer known as a Shaman. A Shaman is not medically qualified but is viewed as a powerful man of plant medicine who is connected to the spiritual realm.

Before modern medicine became so advance and accessible, ancient tribes would seek healing from their local Shaman. This is still a common practice in some areas of the world where modern medicine is unavailable and where ancient tribes believe in spiritual healing as opposed to more traditional methods.

Prior to an ayahuasca ceremony, participants are requested to abstain from all toxins and follow a vegan diet in preparation.

Each Shaman or healer will have their own individual way of conducting a ceremony but there will be many consistencies.

Ayahuasca ceremonies involve drinking of the tea or brew and being guided through the hallucinations by the Shaman. To enhance the psychoactive properties of the ayahuasca brew and the experience, the Shaman performs a ritualistic song known as ‘icaros’

Depending on the setting, the ayahuasca ceremony will be held within what is considered to be a sacred space (cleansed of all negative energy and spirits). Spiritual ceremonies are also traditionally held at night time.

Just before the ceremony, participants are to state their intention and the healing that they need from ayahuasca, they are requested to place their faith and belief in the plants healing abilities.

Ayahuasca ceremonies often involve multiple participants and each participants experience whilst under the influence of ayahuasca will be very individual to them. Even when held in a retreat, the effects of ayahuasca are unpredictable and cannot be controlled.

The group will stay together until everyone is ready to leave. An ayahuasca ceremony can last for several hours.

Ayahuasca Peru
Ayahuasca ceremonies
Flower of life Peru
Ayahuasca Iquitos

If you feel this called join us for an transformational plant medicine retreat program at Flower of Life Healing center in Peru .

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