Where Do Ayahuasca Retreats Come From?

Ayahuasca is a Quechua word formed by ‘aya’, (meaning corpse, dead) and ‘waskha’, meaning ‘liana, soga’. Quechua is the language spoken primarily by the indigenous people of Peru and South America. These two words combined become ‘Ayahuasca’, explained as ‘liana de los muertos‘. An image which represents the connection that is established between our world and the spirit world, when the psychoactive substance is consumed.


Ayahuasca is a drink that is made from plants native to the Amazon; use of this ingredient is traditionally linked to shamanic practices. The most widespread form of elaboration in South America is that in which the trunk of a vine, (scientifically named Banisteriopsis caapi) and the leaves of a shrub (Psychotria viridis) coexist together. These kind of leaves grow predominantly in Peru and other regions of South America.

Flower of Life – Ayahuasca Retreat

When Do I Use Ayahuasca and What Are the Benefits?

Ayahuasca has been used for years as the healing and spiritual powers it possesses serve as a way of connecting the person to their inner self. People participating in Ayahuasca retreat ceremonies have experienced a sense of enlightenment and spiritual awakening. This plant medicine is no stranger to the shamans as they have been using it as a natural treatment for centuries, making them experts in the powers of plant medicine in addition to performing Ayahuasca retreat ceremonies.

Ayahuasca retreat ceremonies are special and unique to each and every person that experiences them. Many people experience relieved symptoms of trauma and other pain, allowing them to redirect their path in life. Many users seek out Ayahuasca in order to help them on their difficult journeys, perhaps during a time of pain or personal crisis.

If you are interested in knowing more about the amazing healing powers of mother Ayahuasca or want to know more about our Ayahuasca Retreats in Iquitos, Peru visit www.floweroflifeperu.com or contact us at [email protected]