My journey with plant medicine began 6 years ago. I started traveling to the jungle on an
invitation to experience the Amazon, plant medicine and Shamanism. Since that fateful
invitation, I have been with many groups and individuals at Flower of Life Peru, all curious about
the Magic of Plant Medicine.
People come to this mystical locale for many different reasons. Some come for their spiritual
journey. Some for emotional trauma release. Some to reset their lives. Some for relationship
issues. Some for physical healing like myself. The reasons are endless.
The magic of Ayahuasca is incredible in so many ways. No matter the reason and intention
individuals travel to the depths of the Amazon jungle and partake in this ancient tradition,
Ayahuasca always works. That has been my personal experience and the experience of
countless others who also travel to the Amazon jungle to partake in this special experience.
Ayahuasca has the incredible ability to go where she needs to go, whether it is to purge your
mind of negative patterns, release and reconcile emotional traumas, cleanse negative energy in
your spirit body or purge disease and debris from your cells. She is the Great Healer like I’ve
never witnessed through any other modality. Many on this path would definitely agree.
This powerful Earth Medicine and the Maestros trained to facilitate this magic, have transformed
the lives of so many people around the world, it is uncanny. Whether depression and anxiety
plague you, or you suffer with autoimmune disorders, or you just can’t seem to surpass the pain
of trauma, it doesn’t matter. Whatever ails you will be cleansed from you.
This has been brought again to my realization recently as I bear witness to the tradition of
Shamanism: the medicine always works, but what is the true differentiator are the Shamans
serving you the medicine, the maker of the medicine, the energy of all involved and the location
where you surrender to the experience.
Working with the Shipibo is so incredibly important when sitting with the Grandmother
(Ayahuasca). They are known as the “keepers of the forest” and it is widely believed, the
medicine began with the Shipibo. The tradition is passed from generation to generation and is
the pride of this tribe. The Shipibo live this life, serving and helping others that come for healing
and transformation.
Maestro Alfredo, here at Flower of Life Peru, has been the most incredible Shaman I’ve had the
opportunity to sit with in ceremony. His medicine is strong, as is he. Combine the power that
moves through him with the Love of God and it is quite a beautiful, transformative and thorough
I, personally, do not know of any other medicine or healing modality that works as deeply, is as
transformative, and affects every dimension of your being. I’ve never known a modality that can
work on your physicality, spirit, emotions and mind all at once. That is the magic of this ancient
tradition and medicine and one that has been pivotal in my healing process.
I join the voices of many when I say, I am beyond grateful for the Magic of Ayahuasca and Plant
Medicine as I continue to work for higher states of consciousness, while attaining a level of
homeostasis with my mind, emotions and body.
What could be more important? Come join us for one our monthly retreats and give yourself this
gift at Flower of Life Peru.
Ayahuasca Peru
Ayahuasca healing center
Flower of life Peru healing retreat center
Shamanic course
If you feel this called join us for an transformational plant medicine retreat program at Flower of Life Healing center in Peru .
More details and information
WhatsApp +1 (786) 393-0799