Ayahuasca in Peru
When the medicine, Ayahuasca, calls you to herself, one begins to undergo an awakening cycle that is possibly much different that other moments of awakening experienced in life. Signs, symbols and synchronicities, undoubtedly align to lead you to her home: The Amazon jungle.
Many awarenesses and healings transpire in the jungle working with the Shamans, medicinal plants and the Grandmother herself, Ayahuasca. In the jungle, time stands still. It definitely feels like a time warp for me and for many. One day and one night’s healings can feel like a week in time. Some have said one night with Ayahuasca is like having 20 years of psychotherapy, 20 years of physical help with a doctor and 20 years of spiritual teaching and healing with the most holy person on Earth. I can vouch for it all. So can many who have said YES to this ancient, mystical, natural healing medicine.
It was my 4th night with Ayahuasca. As I sat on the toilet, which was commonplace for me back then, I received a poignant message that would stick with me for the years of medicine that I would partake in. It went like this:
“Theresa, what goes in, must come out. You will feel and experience these things as they leave you. This is infection leaving your body. This is cancer leaving your body. This is inflammation leaving your body. This is cancer leaving your body. This is toxins leaving your body. This is heartbreak leaving your body. This is curses spoken over you leaving your body.” Those moments in that purge were intense. What came out of me was vile. That’s the only way I can describe it. And, as hard as those few moments were, I could feel those things making me sick leaving me. For me, well worth it.
Although quite uncomfortable at the time, I understood that message well. Those things had to come out for me to survive in the physical body. I’m not gonna lie. It was tough. I faced so much and still do. But, I would rather face it, eradicate it and cleanse myself of the emotions, mind patterns, spiritual maladies and physical ailments than carry it around with me, blocking me from living the absolute best life I possibly can.
What I’ve noticed in my own circle of friends and family is that so many people are afraid to face some momentary discomfort for a lifetime of freedom. The devil you know. Familiarity and fear of change keep so many prisoners to sickness of all kinds. For me, I had no choice. My body was suffering and so was I on every level. I had to face the roots of my human suffering so I could find freedom and live my life a little better. What has come from my medicine journey, cannot be put into words. The healing I’ve received is paramount. Couple that with emotional release, spiritual awareness and healing of the mind, and well, I feel like I won the jackpot!
Why are we so afraid to face ourselves and the things that bog us down? Why is the process of liberation from trauma and wounds so scary? What is so frightening about facing ourselves? Is it really about some purging or is there something deeper going on? These are the questions I ponder when I share the healing ability of medicinal plants, Ayahuasca and Shamanism to others.
I know we fear the unknown. And, it would seem, that at times, we fear what is best for us. All I know is that when I make a decision that’s based on fear, it’s usually the worst decision I could make. Add to this, the misconceptions, horror stories and rumors about “The Medicine”, and it does keep some away. I say, do it anyway! Your healing is worth every effort you can make. You are worth it!
Finding your Shaman, your healing center and your people are just as important as The Medicine itself. It took a few Shamans, but ultimately, I found the family that would help me heal from so much. When I was adopted into the family lineage and the Shipibo, I knew I would be connected to this family for the rest of my life. I know I haven’t arrived yet, so more medicine, healing and evolution are ahead of me. I wouldn’t work with anyone else at this point, or take the medicine anywhere else. I began here at Flower of Life, and I will continue to grow and heal here.
I started this blog about when the journey really begins. Some say it is when you first hear of Ayahuasca and Medicinal Plants. Some say it’s when you start your journey to the jungle. Others say it’s when you partake in your first ceremony. I say, it’s when you return to your life. This part of the journey is called, “The Integration”. The integration is as important as taking the medicine, ceremony and being in the jungle. See, we must do the work in our lives. Ayahuasca heals, that’s a fact and the medicine always works whether you have a mind-blowing, mind-bending experience or not. This bitter medicine kills bugs in your system (which we all have!), cleanses intestines, organs and rinses you on the cellular level. The science is incredible about the neuroplasticity and neural connections that come alive through this medicine, releasing negative mind patterns such as PTSD, anxiety and the like. The decalcification of the pineal gland occurs, not to mention a massive emotional heart healer. The medicine works. The deeper work, the emotional, mental and spiritual healing, well, that has much to do with the individual as it does the medicine.
Implementing new ways of being, changing your mind, beliefs and attitudes all depend on you. The direct messages received during ceremony can easily be dismissed upon returning to your “normal” life. The work is up to each individual person! We can easily make the choices to return to the patterns we’ve lived already. The integration is a process and is a daily one. Adopting new ways of being isn’t always easy. Necessary, but not always easy. Having a support system will be so incredibly helpful to you during this time as you emerge a more healed individual. I highly recommend working with someone during integration to keep that medicine journey flowing in your life back at home.
Sometimes friends and relationships change. Sometimes your relationships will be mended and you will see others in a new light. Sometimes relationships must dissolve. New habits and patterns in your life have the opportunity to take root. Openings in your soul’s journey and purpose begin to enhance and blossom. New directions and discoveries guide you to your great what’s next. So many possibilities are on the horizon and become palpable during the medicine journey and integration period. You may find that you will cross paths with others seeking this transformative healing experience. And, you may be the one sharing your experiences and encouraging others on the medicine and Ayahuasca path.
Some will be called back to the medicine. For some, a great, many times, like myself. Others, one trip is sufficient. Your heart will know. Your soul will guide you. Trust the messages and the pull to the jungle. You will be in good hands if you choose a retreat at Flower of Life.
Curious about the medicine journey? Reach out to us to learn more. In the meantime, wishing you and yours peace and rich blessings.
Ayahuasca Peru
Ayahuasca Iquitos
Ayahuasca retreat Peru
Shamanic school course Peru
If you feel this called join us for an transformational plant medicine retreat program at Flower of Life Healing center in Peru .
More details and information
WhatsApp +1 (786) 393-0799