Experience Healing With Us
Ayahuasca and How I Found My Path to Healing
Why should we undergo medicinal plant therapies in Peru?
How does Ayahuasca transform our alter-ego?
How does Ayahuasca work?
Why should you consider drinking Ayahuasca?
Why perform Ayahuasca ceremonies in the Peruvian Amazon jungle?
Ayahuasca ceremony
Our Shipibo Healers
Shipibo Traditions
San Pedro ceremony
Kambo session
Our Shamanic school of Knowledge Onan Yatishovo
Sacred Shamanism and Curanderismo Course
Our retreats programs
Transform Your Life in 28 Days
14 Days Medicinal Plants Dieta
8 days Ayahuasca and San Pedro retreat
8 days Ayahuasca and San Pedro Retreat Schedule
5 days Ayahuasca and San Pedro Retreat
5 Days Ayahuasca Retreat Schedule
Guests Testimonials
How to prepare?
How do I get to our Flower of life Ayahuasca healing retreat center?
What to bring
Financial Plans available
Medical guidelines
Preparatory diet
Who we are
Our Vision
Founder and Managing director
Director and group facilitation organizer
Goodwill donation items
Contact Us
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