Why should you consider drinking Ayahuasca?
I will try to explain what Ayahuasca is in the simplest and most friendly way possible. Ayahuasca is a plant from the Amazon which, when mixed with another plant called Chacruna, results in the Drink (medicine, concoction, potion, infusion), called Ayahuasca. This medicine plant has been used for more than 5000 years by the Shamans or Healers or Ayahuasquero Masters of the Amazon, as a way to obtain the expansion of consciousness (Physical – Soul). Now it is used in Peru and other countries in centers to rehabilitate drug addiction, people addicted to recreational drugs, or other substances or medicine such as antidepressant pills. It is also help to heal different types of diseases.
The drink that is extracted from the Ayahuasca vine is the largest known plant source of dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT is a neurotransmitter produced naturally in our brain from the pineal gland that is responsible for dreams in the REM phase of unconscious rest.
Ayahuasca activates the Pineal gland. This gland is closely related to mystical religious experiences.
Ayahuasca is the most powerful relaxant on the planet that has been used as an antidepressant and was declared as a Cultural Heritage in 2008 by the Peruvian Government.
Just like the DMT present in the Ayahuasca drink, our own brain naturally produces and secretes the DMT substance that is responsible for night dreams. That is to say, when a person falls asleep or meditates with Yoga, as an example, their brain begins to secrete a chemical substance, equivalent to the DMT of Ayahuasca, which precisely allows the person to dream. The effect of drinking Ayahuasca, then, is approximately like experiencing a dream, but while awake known as lucid dreaming. Feeling the effects of Ayahuasca is like dreaming, but with full awareness of the content of the images and the emotional content of the dream. That is, accessing the infinite information that our subconscious mind or spiritual world contains.
Ayahuasca causes the brain to enter into expanded states of vibration, working optimally and thus, the person reaches high states of consciousness.
Ayahuasca is NOT a drug, it does NOT create dependency, it does NOT cause unbalanced states of hallucination, nor is there loss of consciousness On the contrary, the feeling is of total control, greater mental clarity, control of the body. You have complete awareness of where you are at any given moment.
About 20 minutes after ingesting ayahuasca, consciousness alters, changing brain waves.
Normally there is a reduction in the respiratory rate, decreased metabolism, blood pressure, change in pH, etc. and with this increases hearing, olfactory, vision and touch sensitivity.
At this level of paranormal capacity, it spontaneously emerges, awakening neurons, increasing intellectual and creative capacity.
The result is the gradual pacification of the personality and the mind, reducing anxiety and fear, balancing the nervous system – reason and emotion – thus allowing the brain to gradually pass from states of Beta waves (normal activity) to Alpha waves. Alpha (relaxation) and reaching deep Theta states, where experiences of mystical spiritual ecstasy occur.
These experiences are generally associated with personal insights, intellectual idealizations, affective reactions, and deep spiritual and mystical experiences.
Various studies carried out by the entities that share ayahuasca certify that users become balanced people, with optimal health and memory, who have ease of learning, greater peace of mind, a deep respect for nature and seek to promote peace in a balanced and harmonious way.
Alterations in the basic parameters of the experience are also observed – personal identity, connection with the outside world, temporality and feelings of significance. In the past and until today, Ayahuasca is one of the central pillars of various tribal cultures in the Amazon.
Psychologically, Ayahuasca, as a divine or wonderful drink, offers us the possibility of accessing our subconscious or unconscious world, unveiling and discovering the mystery of knowing ourselves. This opening is equivalent to a new dimension of consciousness.
Ayahuasca, in this modern era, is understood as an extraordinary Chemical Substance, equivalent to a Neurotransmitter or Brain Hormone that activates the psyche and highlights or reveals the infinite human potentialities.
Ayahuasca, mythologically and traditionally, is the highest Deity (Divine Being) of all natural reality as “Mother Ayahuasca”, spirit of all spirits.
Ayahuasca has an important value and meaning because the extraordinary state of illumination of consciousness during Trance (Ecstasy) that is achieved is an authentic and effective source of personal development.
Ayahuasca is hallucinatory, because it allows us to perceive reality as it is and get out of the cultural and social hallucination in which we may be trapped.
Ayahuasca manages to go through a path of spiritual openness and self-discovery of our essential being because it is the true recognition of our soul and reconciliation with the totality. That is, contact with the supreme Cosmic Deity.
Ayahuasca develops Mental Imagery, revealing or activating creativity. Inspiration and resources to innovate things and ideas by achieving an expansion of consciousness to create and recreate, think and carry out our activities are vastly improved.
Ayahuasca allows us to live with great Empathy, a complete communication with the totality and also allows us to see within ourselves with the very fine sharpening of our faculties, that is, to achieve Clairvoyance.