Ayahuasca and the Ego: A Journey of Self-Exploration

Ayahuasca and the Ego: A Journey of Self-Exploration

In the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Peru lies a sanctuary of spiritual awakening and self-discovery – Flower of life Ayahuasca Center in Iquitos. Surrounded by the ancient wisdom of the jungle and guided by experienced shamans, participants embark on a...
Ayahuasca and the Ego: A Journey of Self-Exploration

Ayahuasca and the Ego: A Journey of Self-Exploration

In the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Peru lies a sanctuary of spiritual awakening and self-discovery – Flower of life Ayahuasca Center in Iquitos. Surrounded by the ancient wisdom of the jungle and guided by experienced shamans, participants embark on a...